Friday, January 9, 2009

Here is a cute looked we picked up and wanted to share, it's so easy but looks fantastically complicated. Since it's hard to tell which way the braids are going and how the hair turns in. Here is how we made it.

First you want to bring the hair back into a low pony tail far enough from the head so you can flip it. I use a topsy tail for this but you could just use your fingers.
After the hair is flipped tighten it up and braid the hair into 3 braids or any of your favorite styles. Than secure them with one elastic, I didn't show it here but I did one more loop with the elastic where I didn't pull the ends all the way though this will help hide the end when clipping it.
Next Pull the braids though only enough to get the ends under so you can clip them with a claw clip or snap clippie.
This was our finished result, it looks really pretty on it's own or you can dress it up with a comb or beads. We picked a flower and some sparkle spray.
This was our final result. I think the flower was a bit to big next time I think I'll just use something smaller.
This is our very first Hair Style on our blog I hope you like it and I'm going to keep trying to figure this blog thing out. Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome to my blog

Hello there! My name is Brooke and I'm going to try blogging so I can share my passion for hair. Specifically my daughters hair. My little Princess is 2 soon to be 3 in April, we have shared many of our styles on you tube but I'm hoping to cut out some time by being able to relax and blog about our styles. This is my second attempt at a blog, the first one is lost out there somewhere. I just can't seem to figure out how other crafty moms can get their blogs to look like beautiful pages out of a scrap book. I gave up, but the want is so strong that I am back and I'm determined to just keep at this until I can get around and figure out tips and tricks to make this easier.
My hair styles for Ava are mostly recreations of what I see on other little girls, or from Mommy blogs like this. I think if I were to be known for a certain style it would have to be for braids. I really don't like those little elastics I seem to snap Ava's hair off when I use them. I don't like a lot of hair product but I will post the ones that I am in love with and there are a few. Here's to hoping for some success in keeping my blog alive and contributing to a circle of mom's who inspire me every time I visit their blogs! *hugs*